Christmas tree hunt '17

even though this was our 17th Christmas celebration as a family; we'd never gotten our own tree.  correction - our own 'real' tree.  we got a REALLY nice artificial tree, many years ago.  It's perfect and full, lush, needs 0 water, holds ALL the ornaments and it's reusable ..
But this year, I wanted the 'smell' and the adventure of chopping ours down.  So, for the first time ever - we had ourselves a good old fashioned tree hunt .. 
We drove up to a few different spots & hiked around the snow covered mountains to find the perfect one. 
^^ not quite ... he's a little bare.
we found the tree above immediately for Mikayla.  She hadn't planned on getting a tree; but someone chopped this little guy down and just left him there 😔 so we gave him a home.
when we finally found the tree; it was the only thing that wasn't 17 feet tall and it may sound completely cliche, but the sun was shining her last few rays down on the tree.  *see above, bottom right.*

we found ourselves quite entertained by the snow (see videos below) because at the time of the post - we had none in the valley.  2 days before Christmas, though - we got some. 7 inches. It still hasn't gone away .. and the tree never made my house smell like Christmas. haha but it was fun, nonetheless. 

My photo
Moab, Utah, United States
I’m Danielle. I’m a mom, I’m 40. My legs are short and I’m out of shape lol but I like to go all the places and do all the things. haha I’m pretty enthusiastic about being out in nature. I live in Moab, Utah - USA, with my 1 husband, 2 kids, 2 dogs and more cats than I am woman enough to admit in public. We love to be outside, hiking, exploring, chasing sunshine and doing the learning, when possible. My family is my entire world wrapped up in four awesome humans and way too many rescue fur babies .. these are our adventures.

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